burn and die..

today has been a bad day so far. i dont want to go to golf.. i want this day to be over. it also seems that after second block on wednesdays and thursdays i just seem to give up in the day.. and today ive given up yesterday i did good but today has been bad and mr mara did not help nor did brooke from second block.. GOLF IS GONNA SUCK! i guess sarahs house maybe later tonight.. that excites me.. we'll see what time i get back, it should be around 9ish maybe later who knows i hope sooner so i can spend time with friends.. i love you wow dad should wear his shirts more often as he is more hairy then tumnus.. ugh i dont know how i was to react.. i guess he didnt know you were coming.. lol.. ugh im tired eyes are closing.. and am falling asleep..like litterally.. i would say tonight was good in fact excellent.. if only times could be longer.. if its the way it goes i guess.. ugh eyes are shutting cant concentrate or think.. good thing there is no school tomorrow as this way i can sleep till 12 i want to sleep right here in this chair right where i am.. mm cozy.. inn which t must be as its the chair that is putting me to sleep at the moment.. mm good chair.. oh ya with golf it was ok i didnt actually do that bad i think i got my swing back.. excitement.. mm and yes day did get better as during golf meet made things a bit better and deffinatly after the golf meet as i was at home watching a grand movie. in which i enjoyed very ver very very much so. it was something special.
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ahh i am sorry you had a bad day...hope it got better?