chick flicks..

mm how to lose a guy in ten days is officially erics favorite chick flick movie.. i personally like 13 going on 30 but i think that erica jacked it so i no longer have it i think i dont really remember i dont care either.. as its erica and she can take whatever as ive taken her stuff to many times.. i think her zoolander movie is here as it was in the dvd player ive never seen it.. maybe ill watch that sometime.. tomorrow we have stupid church fundraiser like thing.. ugh which is always boring but the food normally is good when we are done serving and we can get about 300 dollars so thats pretty sweet.. ahh texas will pretty much be the coolest place ever.. wait no it wont as so far my favorite place in the world is washington dc i plan on maybe actually living there for a few months in my life as it was that amazing just cuz i like loved everything its just pretty and pretty much the sweetest place.. i want to take erica there and i want to see all the tour sites again and i want to go up the washington memorial.. and it would be awesome to just be there and ahhh amazing.. today was ok.. i slept till twelve so it wasnt that long of a day.. but im already tired and its like only ten.. but anyway after waking up i just kind of sat around britty and sarah came over and it made me feel wierd cuz i was in pjs and had not taken a shower and eww.. but then i did take a shower and actually got ready for the day.. then eric came over and we started watching chick flick in which eric loves chick flicks but we didnt get to finish it as his mom made him go home by nine.. hmm yes.. zoning out and watching tv..
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that's because eric never sleeps and his mom is stupid, soooo yeah....i saw you today
i failed my math test because i am fat