sleepedy sleep

so im pretty sure the only places that i didnt sleep today were at hockey practice and at lincoln .. which is gay i slept like in every class.. and am very tired and am getting off now.. but wanted to write a new entry.. and it is about me not getting enough sleep.. maybe i have like mono just cuz i do sleep so much.. hmm that would be interesting.. maybe id get to stay home more often just so i can sleep that would be awesome.. now i officially hope i do have mono.. as ive never ever ever in my whole school life.. missed a day of school.. ever.. although once i went home early because i didnt feel good cuz the day before my dog died so i couldnt eat and one other day i went home early cuz we were goin to wisconsin that day to go see my grandparents when they lived there.. ok i officially wrote 2min worth of writing and am now finished.. bye bye nighty tighty
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maybe u do have mono...are your lymph nodes slightly larger than normal?