ma cousine

so christa ma cousine is in the hospitol because she had her appendix removed.. i got to lay on her hospitol bed with her and it was very comfy.. except it vibrated when someone else would sit on it.. something about adjusting the weight thingy.. shes gonna have scars which is gonna be rather cool except there these stupid little circles not even like that all big.. im pretty sure if i had a scar from surgery id want something worth telling about.. it was fun though.. i felt bad cuz she was gonna tie dye with me and sarah which by the way went pretty well but the clothes are still setting.. umm but ya christa was gonna come with today too and help but she didnt cuz she of course went to the hospitol and at about the same time we started dying.. she was headed for her surgery room.. poor girl.. that sucks.. it was fun visiting her.. tie dying is a grand o'party.
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hey there!!!

lol well that's cool that you tie-dyed!! :D sounds like a total BLAST!! hehe.... well hopefully ill talk to you soon!! have a great easter weekend!!!


love always,