douche bags CANT steal carts..

its true douche bags cant steal carts therefor i cant.. so after movie we were like ya i have truck lets go take one but then i was all like freaking out and couldnt do it as i dont want internet taken away and i feel stupid now cuz i was like ya lets do it.. get there and were like gonna and then i was like no cant.. im a panzy and dont want to get in trouble so we cant.. so we didnt.. but almost did.. but didnt.. but i am kind of glad as i really really dont want to get in trouble and then not be able to stay up late talking so i dont know.. but i feel stupid now and eric and mario probably think secretly that i am a douche bag and that i cant steal carts because im not cool enough.. ugh i feel so dumb..fricken idiot.. i keep proving to you that i am a douche bag.. ugh and it happens every saturday.. damnit.. fucking douche bag ughhhhhhh!. ya but we went to movie before i made a douche bag of myself.. i didnt mind the movie but apparently everyone else thought it was stupid.. oh well i guess thats my moms personality in me as she would have thought the movie was cute as in little kid cute but whatever i didnt mind it.. make fun of me i guess.. but it was rv.. and it was an ok movie so eh *sticks tounge out* but ya the movie was ok.. i like couldnt breath and eric would make fun of me but it was funny.. and then he'd sit there and be like ugh im not talking lol and id be like your not talking lol.. and then him and mario put popcorn on there shirts and probably have all greasy popcorn shirts ewwy.. grease and popcorn.. overall good night.. even the stupid douche bag part i guess even though it made me feel totally stupid.. i just felt bad i couldnt do it.. i would if i knew there was no cameras and that i knew that i wouldnt get in trouble.. now i feel bad for talking about it.. ugh today i was sick and ugh i felt bad for sarah cuz she is sick too she has a migrane which is close to what i had lol.. as we were both in pain cuz we are girls lol haha i hope she reads that lol.. we went to brookes thing today and i didnt relize that you buy stuff i was so confused but sarah got a lot of stuff and it was pretty cool except i was like dying of pain and i felt bad as i was probably a burden to sarah because i was like in pain and couldnt stand anymore as my nerves and everything were shaking and my knees were weak and i couldnt stand.. then i came home and threw up like the moment i walked in the door i was like ehh mom my stomach hurts and shes like oh go get a heating bad and then i went upstairs and in the bathroom and threw up and it was gross and it was like all of the godfathers i ate what a waste of money sorry dad oh ya and when i was down stairs he was making fun of me and then i went upstairs and threw up and still made fun of me.. what a bully.. then like i sat in chair for like an hour and a half and eventually pain went awaay.. then eric asked if i wanted to go to movie.. and i did so i called and asked sarah if she didnt mind in which i felt bad for ditching them but luckily they didnt mind i love sarah and alana my two sista gals.. next week i promised that after we watched willmars prom that we would go to sarahs and watch movies for the rest of the night so thats what we are gonna do and it will be grand as i havent hung out there in forever of weekends..and i feel bad as i miss those times cuz i love my sista gals.. but tonight was fun.. even though i feel like a total douche bag who cant steal a cart.. ugh fricken idiot.. haha oh ya and today me and dad were going out to eat and i locked us out of the house on accident cuz i thought he had grabbed the keys and ugh stupid me ya walked out without the keys so then we walked to the library and got the car and ugh fricken idiot.. and we were all wet and ugh it was gonna be good father daughter bonding until i closed the door but we did get to walk to the library together and then got car and went home grabbed truck and went back to library dropped car off and went to godfathers and had bonding time i guess. dads really smart though he should have been an engineer as he would have been goood.. but he does fine now.. but i felt bad cuz yesterday he worked in rain and then today because of my stupidity then he had to be in rain some more.. what a jerk.. i guess i made a douche bag of myself twice today.. ugh jerk.. ok this is enough for today.. old ppl like to talk to me.. i guess. and i was a meany to that one lady cuz she wasnt suppose to have chocolate and she was having a bad day and i was like well i hope your day gets brighter with this chocolate and she is a diabetic and we ran out of candy so we stopped giving cards to the diabetic ones but i didnt know she was a diabetic cuz grant had the list and he was in another room but dads like just go in there we need to keep moving and ugh she was a diabetic and is not suppose to have a chocolate.. ugh and i worsened her day probably.. i probably killed her.. except we told nurse as we couldnt take it away from her.. ugh i felt so bad she was such a sweet old lady.. not liek the one when i was five that called me a bitch cuz she had alzhiemers ugh.. im so mean.. douche bag count number three.. IDIOT!
Read 3 comments
haha gross...girls..

and you arn't a douche bag at all
and mario doesn't think that of you as he is a nice cool kid
you are not a douche bag jess. your cool. and im sure that mario and eric dont think that. its okay. better to ask anyways
hahaha alana was right! it wasnt my period that made me sick! it wasnt a migraine neiner neiner neiner!