shitin shits...

so we went to powderridge today and it was fucking awesome haha except wierd at the same time but eventually it was pretty awesome like a shit load of ppl from nls were there it was soo the cooliest like josiah was there that kid is cool but i didnt really get to talk to him and becca was there and perrin whom which i might say is not my favorite person in the world but i dont really know her wiedner was there dahmes was there mark was there trisha was there emily was there brent or whatever was there megan was there and like a lot of ppl in general and oh tanner and damon of course cuz tanner was our ride which was really cool.. thank god sarah was there ugh i would have died.. LITERALLY.. especially with blah blah there.. lol we talked about dr pepper that was probably the most interesting conversation we had.. lol me and sarah had a blast.. i biffed so many times but ya it was pretty cool.. im pretty sure that i flipped about 15 times.. cuz when i fall its not like im normally goin pretty fast and the one time sarah was in front of me and watched me do it and like i flipped and snow came into my face so bad it was soo funny that time didnt hurt at all the other time though holy shit my neck hurts so bad from it.. and then one time mark went down with me and my board was goin way slow and he was helping me like go so he'd like push me he is soo magnifico at snowboarding i love that kid he's pretty way cool.. but i love sarah more lol.. for coming with.. it was great.. ya so it was a fun good day for the most part.. eric it would have been awesome if you would have came.. we were talking about that and stuff and ya it would have been fun.. ya but im gonna go i have two cheeseburgers down stairs calling my name.. thank you to sarah tanner and i suppose damon lol.. good day.. sorry for those of you who couldnt make it..
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oh yeah....GUESS WHAT?


shes officially in the cool group!