long survey man.

Feeling: accomplished
today was boring, but I did see my darling for the last time in the hallway. :) he is so cute on every level. i only went upstairs to see him lol. so yea... I will give ya'll a SURVEY! yay! Fe 1. What are your initials?: FRB 2. Does your printer print fast & well?: its a laserJet, it better print well :) 3. Do you have shoes on?: NOPE 4. Are there any lights on in the room?: not in here, only the sun that likes to come out and go away, not good weather for tanning :( 5. How many days of school left do you have?: half 6. What are you going to do right when you get out of school?: hang out with my darling all summer long. :) 7. Are you going to be sad that you are leaving?: ahah, no. 8. What was your last entry about?: MICHAEL JACKSON GETTING AQUITTED! score. 9. In the last IM you sent, what did you say?: I think, brb. lol it was to Caro then she commented on how cute my away message was. 10. What is your favorite crayon?: that blue, its called like cruleaen blue or something like that. its so purty. 11. Have you ever gone streaking in the winter?: are u fuckin crazy? wisconsin winters are some of the coldest around. 12. What time did you go to bed last night?: 1ish 13. Are any of your great grandparents still alive?: nope 14. What era do you wish you lived in?: my grandma's 15. If you were stranded in the forest, what would you do?: LOOK for a pIG TO HUNT. LoL.. see i did learn something from Lord of the Flies :P 16. What is your layout of?: ummmm its ultra cute, look for yourself. :) 17. Have you ever thought of where the world ends?: yea 18. What exercise equipment do you own?: NONE! lol.. weights.. i think aha 19. Are you wearing a watch?: all of my watches are broken 20. What brand is your shirt?: D.A.R.E. 21. Are your toenails painted?: pretty pink by Andrea 22. Are you going to take a shower after this?: I already did this morning 23. How many stories is your house?: in this whole complex? 3. in my apartment. 1. lol 24. Have you ever shocked yourself?: aha yes. 25. Have you been hit by lightning?: nOpe! 26. Have you ever been swimming while it was raining?: hew yea cuz when the pool is like OVERFLOODED lmfao good times man. 27. Do you usually tan or burn?: tan 28. Have you ever been in a tanning salon?: no 29. What kind of surveys do you like to take?: any kind, as long as they're long 30. Have you ever flashed a guy?: you don't have to flash them, just take off your shirt and get them horny. duh. :P 31. Have you ever given out your # to some random person?: ahah no 32. What do you think about online dating?: whatever floats ur boat man. 33. Are you scared of the dark?: lmfao when someone scares me I am. 34. Do you ever study?: when i feel like i need to 35. Do you say that you will never raise your kids like your parents raise you?: i dont think i've ever said that. 36. How many kids do you want?: as many as he's willing to handle 37. Are you scared of giving birth?: oh hell yea 38. Do you think you're annoying?: to a point. lol 39. When was the last time you were extremely sick?: mmm long time ago. when i had that MASSIVE ear infection, that hurt like a bitch. 40. What is your favorite kind of underwear?: the EDIBLE kind. 41. Do you wish SitDiary had forums?: that'd be coolioz 42. Have you met anyone on SitDiary?: not in person, but i've met a few nice people. 43. Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you?: sure! when i'm 18! :P 44. Where are you planning on living when you get older?: anywhere but here 45. Have you ever been to the Naval Academy?: No but i would LOVE TO! 46. Do you know your family history?: its boring. lol no cool ppl... just us Barrios' and Ottos 47. Do you like to make lots of screennames & link them all together?: no it takes up too much space. :( 48. What is the most overused smiley?: :) 49. What is the most overused word?: and 50. Do you like the movie "Napoleon Dynamite?": yes its funny as a mother. 51. Would you ever name your kid Napoleon?: thought about it. ;) jk 52. Do you own a beanbag chair?: used to 53. What magazines do you get?: COSMOgirl 54. Do you wear a lot of hemp?: just my shoes.. aint that into weed. 55. Do you play handball?: in the bedroom. ;) LOL 56. Do you find yourself daydreaming a lot?: about my darling 57. What is your home football team?: PACKERS 58. What is your home basketball team?: the DAMN BUCKS. 59. When was your last shave?: yesterday morning 60. What parts of your body do you shave?: pits and legs.. and ears... JK lol that was funny 61. Do you like open or enclosed areas?: depends on what I will be doing in those areas. 62. Do you like being alone or around a lot of people?: mostly alone, with my darling. i could live on just being with him. lol... :) 63. Do you think what type of music a person listens to says a lot about them?: no cuz I listen to a lot of music... that doesn't mean I'm indecisive now does it? lol. 64. Will you have a job over the summer?: no unfortunately 65. What what your last search online?: for a picture of a heart... found the bitch and it wasn't even in the SEARCH... [[working on a new layout]] 66. Do you own a poodle?: hell no 67. Type whatever word comes to your mind.: matt 68. Close your eyes & grab something. What is it?: my penis 69. Try to describe feet in as many words as you can.: ugly, stupid, really ugly. lmfao. 70. Do you have a dirty mind?: lmfao, i have the dirtiest one out of every girl you kno. I promise you that. 71. Do you have a maid?: do I look rich to you? (no.) 72. Do you make your bed every morning?: do I look rich to you? lol jp. no i don't. 73. What day of the week is your favorite?: FRIDAY NIGHTS. 74. Would you be capable of making your own survey?: I tried once, gave up. 75. How long have you been online?: 20 minutes, the internet connection likes to get weak very often. 76. Does your best friend annoy you?: never. ;) 77. Is there someone you don't talk to but wait online for them all the time?: lol no. thats stupid. aha, if they come on and i really want them to come on, i will talk to them duh. 78. What is your definition of "love?": being happy with that person, and no one else. no other feelings. being able to forget about every other person you've been with when you are with them. thats my definition. 79. Do you find your life fascinating?: sometimes. 80. Name one person.: Matt 81. Why did they come to your mind?: cuz I love him and he's always on my mind 82. What kind of cake do you like?: WHITE WITH CHOCO FROSTING. YES 83. Do you sing in the car?: sure 84. Has anyone ever caught you picking your nose?: lmfao no. 85. What toppings do you put on your ice cream?: CHEESECAKE BITS. MMM.. (oreo cheesquake at DQ) 86. What word is shorter when you add 2 letters to it?: wtf 87. How many situps can you do in a minute?: I did 55 at one point. 88. Type whatever lyrics come to your head.: "i tear my heart open, i sew myself shut, my weakness is that i care too much." --PAPA roach. 89. Have you ever fallen down the stairs?: lmfao yes, not fun at all. 90. What 2 colors are best together?: grey n orange. or white and grey. or blue and orange. or purple and black. lol..
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