this morning

Well well well. This morning I am refreshed and feeling well. Actually I do have this burning sensation (i honestly don't know how else to explain in) in my stomach.) I don't even know if it is a burning sensation per say, but I'd rather NOT put too much thought into the idea. Either way I need to go to the doctor and get it checked out. Too many stomach problems to count. Not to mention I eat like shit. When I have an appetite. Ahh! There was something I wanted to say, but now I lost it. Ooh. I had a weird dream, but I don't remember enough of it to make an entry soley about it. I hate when you can feel like you're having a dream, but you can't remember any specific part of it. I know it was about work. lol Vanessa was talking about how she had a dream about work. I've had about 50. Great stuff. Now I remember what I was going to talk about. The fact that I am way too tired these days. It is sad. I don't have the energy to do much of anything. I can barely get through the day. I need to finish my homework this morning because I seriously couldn't get myself to do it. Sad story, really. I was so determined, but once I got home... I was like ugh I don't have the power. lol Half of me is just lazy, half of me is purely worn out from all the bullshit lately. I'm glad because I feel a lot better now that I sent him a myspace message. I actually said how I felt and it was good because with him I couldn't do that. Almost like well if he can't say how he really feels to me, why should I do it? But I mustered up the courage and said exactly how I feel and exactly how he feels. LOL. I hate it because I have put way too much thought into the child. I could write a book on this whole situation, but I don't have the time! lmao. Umm, I guess I have been hurt too much by all of the stupid shit that you have said and done to care anymore. You say that you want nothing to do with me, but you're actions prove otherwise. You are confused, and scared, and mad. I have a clear mind now more than ever. There's nothing that I wish to do or not do. I know where I am going and I know that you aren't coming with me. I've faced the reality that we are not going to work because we were always on two different levels. I've come to learn that we don't have the ability to be friends anymore. I think it has a lot to do with your pride getting in the way of things. Oh and your constant need to run my life. But you're you and I can't change that. We just don't mesh anymore. I understand that now. Do you?
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i was like "hmmm, i wonder if sit is working now?" i checked it like seriously 5 times a day all last week lmao...and yes, yes...everything is fine with kayli :) shes getting so big tho already