O.O naughty naughty. LOL...I dont even want to know lol. And it does cause you are hott haha :-P
gawsh, lol. -andrea
hey. that's a lil scary. anyway u should look at my cuzin's diary. she said somthin bout u in it. u may agree or disagree. jus check it out ok. ttfn
oh i guess i should tell u her name, it's MsLyce2004. ok make sure u leave a comment! now ttfn
whoa i wonder wut thats supposed to mean.. no last year i was on jv too

damn you ahahahaha i hate u
woah... i wonder wut happened? lol u took a shower with out me! ugh u make me sick! lmao

Yer as much of a perv as I am!

Ed Gein
haha gotta love the crazy teachers who never teach you anything. :P
I've had PLENTY of those. :D even though, we did learn SOME things.
rarely, though. :P

lmao nice entry...ne wayz...U SUCK! ugh! :'( i want zack here *pouts*...*sigh* lol...well ill have my fun wen i see him :D..love ya too