I'm Still Breathing!

Just so everyone knows, I really don't have internet access. I'm living in Jefferson City now and all I have by way of communication is my cell phone. If you wish to speak to me you have too call me (preferably between after 9pm OR on weekends). Anyway, by way of a short sweet diariy entry: I'm doing pretty good. I'm alot happier than I was. Less worried. Less concerned. More stable. Still or car or job. Working on it. I'm not sure how I really feel about alot of things right now. Except maybe a couple. 1)My friends can't spell worth crap. 2)I'm happy with my life where I am. I don't want it to change much. I love who I'm with, I like where I live, and if to change anything I woudl have to change either of those I won't do it. Maybe everything isn't perfect, maybe things could be better. But they're not. Thats life. I'm dealing with it. :) Things may change, maybe for worse, maybe for better, I don't know. Until it does, I'm staying where I am.
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Hello love,
It's good to here that you are happy.I go to the library down town to use internet.I get passes daily.Will be in B.S. tomorrow after noon will call then.
Fuck Michele.And no,I did not break my promise.I went to the halfway house because david got jelous and told my P.O. that I was not staying home on house arrest.I was working at tacobell until he did that and I got fired for missing so much work.
thats crap,there was never any job. Malachi really needs to stop with all the lies. Oh well, some things never change...
hey this is david...ive lost ur cell phone number so if you would email is to me Lordfiresong@hotmail.com if thats cool i'd like to say hi :)