
Well... I'm not in the hostpital anymore. I really wasn't there for that long anyway but it was still scary. I hate IVs. They hurt... Damn my kidneys!! Why can't my body just function properly for a change? I want OFF all these pills. I want a steady friggen life! But I am feeling better... We aren't fighting as much anymore... and we're together, REALLY together, now. I'm trying hard to find a job so he can quit... he's so tired all the time... I miss having him around... But December is only 4 months away.... I'm not sure if I'm ready yet... The baby and the wedding are so close... ugh. I need my family back. The three people I swore meant most to me in the whole world... they still do. And I haven't seen any of them in weeks. Some of them months. God, I ache. I'm so scared and I have no one to turn to. But at least that kidney infection is going away...
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Thanks for the comment.
Stabbing Westward is one of my favs too.
aww i hope you feel better.. :D

Honey, I didn't know that you were in the hospital....ohh...now i am really worried about you.
hey babe,i'm sorry you were in the hospital i'm glad that things are going better for you i wish you the best try to call me sometime when you get the chance i would like to talk to you about somethings,Do me a favor and tell michele that i said hi and i wish her the best with the kid and all later angie g
So much has happened since I left, it really sucks that you ended up in the hospital. At least it seems like things are going better for you.
"It is with fire that blacksmiths iron subdue
Unto fair form, the image of their thought;
Nor without fire hath any artist wrought
Gold in its utmost purity of hue,
Nay, nor the unmatched phoenix lives a new
Unless she burn"

kidney infections suck, they hurt so much.
later, dc