A Contemplation on Pajamas, and other Random Thoughts...

I am thinking of investing in pajamas. (I do own some, but seeing as I have moved twice now without actually unpacking, said clothing is MIA) I know this isn't really the sort of thing one usually must contemplate, but alas, I am not what would be considered "usual". You see, having pajamas opens up the dreadful possibility of ending up wearing them at inappropriate hours. Or even (god forbid), for more than 24 hours at a time. I have discovered that sleeping without pajamas forces me to actually get dressed in the morning. It would be nice to have something comfy to sleep in, though, and it may help send my brain/body a signal that its time for sleep. *shrug* I dunno... Goat and I went to a LARP Saturday night. It was fun. We got his mom to watch the girls for a little while and it was honestly very nice to go out and be young and socialize and be a geek. Hopefully it will be a common occurance from now on. I posted an ad for a babysitter and I'm hoping that I have found one. She has all the credentials I was looking for and seems like a genuinely nice person. We haven't managed to meet yet due to bad timing, but that should be remedied once she gets back from Spring Break. I'm hoping against hope that it works out. First it will be just for the LARP, then for adding in some night's out, then possibly I can do theatre and/or get a job. So things have been going pretty well. I'm still having trouble sleeping, but meh. Sleep is for the WEAK! Or at least the sane... I think I'm doing better about my anxiety. I didn't cling to Goat all night at the LARP (in fact I didn't really spend much time with him at all), and I've been trying to seek out people to talk to. Still haven't gotten enough of a spine to talk to strangers unless they talked to me first... but I'm making progress. I think I may try writing a novel if this sleeping problem doesn't solve itself soon. Not really sure about the exact flow of teh plot, but maybe I over think things too much. Who knows. =)
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