Updates and Raines Plug

So I'm on antibiotics again, because I have the throat plague. *makes a face* It sux. Mostly I'm irritated by the fact that swallowing is torture so having to down 3 pills a day (which I'm incapable of without eating anyway) is exceptionally difficult to say the least. I'm doing my best to do it though. I definately want to get rid of this. Rowan is crawling! As of a couple days ago she most definately is moving forward. Not smoothly, but still. She has the arm movement down, and the legs, but can't seem to coordinate them very well yet. All the same, she can move forward! WHOO! =D She's also decided to hit the "grab things and stick them in the mouth" phase. *wry grin* SO glad those two happened at once. Anyway.... So there's this new TV show out called "Raines", starring Jeff Goldblum. Just the fact that it stars him is enough to make me want to watch it, but the previews made it look even more appealing. I originally thought it was about a detective who talked to dead people to solve their cases. I was wrong. He actually talks to hallucination of dead people to solve their cases. Its awsome. I watched the pilot and the first episode today. I highly recommend it. very very good. Go to: This site and watch it. NOW!!! I DEMAND IT!!! Also, I finally met the babysitter! YAY! So hopefully I will soon have a life. And not just that but a possibly active social one. =D
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