Bad Week

Two years can change a lot, can't it? *sigh* I've not had a good week. I don't think I want to go into details about my main concern right now... not until ... at least until I've learned to cope, and that won't be until I know the outcome... Why do bad things like this have to happen? God I'm so scared.... *sigh* This week has just been bad. On top of that monumental fear, I'm getting worse again. I'm afraid this is probably going to progress into all out bronchitis. I should have known that Amoxicillan wouldn't work. So I feel like shit. Plus Rowan is getting sick again. She's all congested, and sneezy, and coughing all the time, and is having trouble sleeping. =( Poor sweet thing. And she's still in such good spirits. Babies amaze me. Then there's my beef with our dental insurance. Appearantly there aren't ANY pediatric dentists in our plan within 100 miles of us. That is fucking absurd. We needed to get Winter in to a dentist before we left Kansas City. Now it's an emergency. She fell down yesterday and is now missing half a front tooth. *sigh* She doesn't seem to care but I don't like her having a jagged tooth bit. And I really worry about her other teeth which are rotting, and brushing them doesn't seem to help. I feel like a terrible mother. *sigh* I tired, I'm sick, I feel worried and guilty, and I'm scared. Add to that the normal caseload of a depresive idiot who makes bad life decisions and we have a fucking party!
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Hugs :) it'll be ok. If your health is do to a virus then their are antivirals out there. They cleared my thought up in about 2 days.

I miss you levi...
Hey Mander's,
If you ever check this anymore you can get ahold of me on myspace, I miss you.

Hey Mander's,
If you ever check this anymore you can get ahold of me on myspace, I miss you.
