A New Beginning

The wedding was good. Short. Small. Embarrassing. A tad awkward.... but good. =) I'm really married now. A new Beginning. This is where I start. A new life. A new me. Maybe I can get things right this time around.... I'm excited. And happy. So happy.... and yet... I find myself stangely saddened. To begin anew... I have to give up the past. Something I've never been able to do... and there are a few things... I'll miss.... I feel like I've lost something... but I know I've gained so much more.... So why does it still hurt? Hm. Maybe I'm just in a state... I'll get over it. Things are good. No. They're great... =)
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Part of me was sad the day I got married, I think it normal. I was more sad cause the thing a girl looks forward to her whole 23 years in my case, her wedding, was totally over. Just like that.... i dunno its a state of your life that you have to mourn being over, you get to delight in a new begining, but there is still a certain saddness there. I think some people just arent honest to admit it, so yeah... i think its normal hun!
hey i am gettting married in June i can wait