
I stole this from a friend, it looked fun. [[Firsts]] [[First best friend:]] Shannon [[First real memory of something:]] My family getting food poisoning [[First car:]] yellow Hot-wheels hot rod [[First date:]] Wandering around teh mall.... [[First real kiss:]] At a sleepover... [[First job:]] Renaissance festival [[First screen name:]] daine6 [[First self purchased album:]] Uh... [[First funeral:]] My friend's this past weekend [[First pets:]] Bandit [[First piercing/tattoo:]] My ears [[First credit card:]] Nope [[First enemy:]] Hm.... I woudl say Jayson Benson [[First big trip:]] Moving to Houston [[First musician you remember hearing in your house:]] Prolly Billy Joel [[Lasts]] [[Last big car ride:]] Kansas City [[Last good cry:]] A few days ago. [[Last library book checked out:]] Shit... s'been a while [[Last movie seen:]] Um... can't remember. I went and saw RENT live? [[Last beverage drank:]] Water [[Last food consumed:]] Flan [[Last crush:]] rather not say... [[Last phone call:]] Mom [[Last time showered:]] About an hour ago [[Last shoes worn:]] Lace up buckle boots [[Last cd played:]] Collapsis [[Last annoyance:]] Someone I dislike [[Last disappointment:]] ...rather not say... [[Last time wanting to die:]] see above comment [[Last time scolded:]] Uh.. prolly sometime today [[Last shirt worn:]] Boyfriend's wife beater [[Last website visited:]] sitDiary [[Five details about your appearance right now]] [x] Damp hair [x] Hooker jacket [x] Corset Top. [x] Vinyl miniskirt. [x] Big black boots [[Five things you did today]] [x] Slept [x] Wrote alot [x] Read diaries [x] came to a friends house [x] waited to game [[Five things that everyone should know about you]] [x] I'm a girl [x] I liek animals more than most people [x] My 'romantic life' is way too complicated [x] I love theatre [x] If I told you, I'd have to kill you [[Five groups/artists you listened to yesterday]] [x] No one [x] Nothing [x] Nada [x] Teh radio [x] the storytellers in the play I'm in [[Five things that make you happy]] [x] Pandora [x] Damion [x] Being with friends [x] Being on stage [x] Traveling [[Five things that disgust you]] [x] Saur kraut [x] A certain ex [x] People who press ther religion on others [x] harsh judgements [x] Me, sometimes... [[Five things you can't live without]] [x] Pandora [x] Damion [x] Friends [x] Food [x] Shower [[Five things you'll do when you complete this]] [x] Hopefully game... [x] Stretch [x] Eat..? *hopeful* [x] Think [x] Eventually go home... [[Five things you feel right now]] [x] Sad [x] Confused [x] Torn [x] Sore [x] BLAH! [[DESCRIBE YOUR...]] [[Wallet:]] Brown leather and full of crap [[Coffee cup:]] Black, HUGE! [[Underwear:]] nah... [[Boots:]] Tall, ass kicking, comfy... [[CD in stereo right now:]]Non existant. [[Tattoos:]] BIG MISTAKE [[Hair:]] All natural for once and WAY TOO SHORT [[Who or what (was/is/are)...]] [[In my mouth:]] Teeth [[In my head:]] Too much [[Wishing that:]] I could live multiple lives right now [[After this:]] Game [[Talking to:]] Myself [[Eating:]] PIZZA! [[What's next to you:]] A space heater [[Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month:]] TURNING 18! [[Something that you are deathly afraid of saying:]] I *mutter mutter mutter* [[Do you like candles?:]] Yeh [[Do you like hot wax?:]] Ooh.. yeh [[Do you like incense?:]] Delicious [[Do you believe in love?:]] Yeah [[Do you believe in soul mates:]] I dunno... [[Do you believe in love at first sight?:]] Not now [[Do you believe in heaven?:]] Ish [[Do you believe in forgiveness?:]] Sometimes... [[Do you believe in God?:]] Many [[Who is your worst enemy?:]] Debateable [[If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?:]] Dragon or a tiger. [[What are five cities you wouldn't mind relocating to:]] Kansas City, Blue Spings, Springfield, Warrensburg, or Hollywood [[What are some of your favorite pig out foods?:]] Cool ranch Doritos, fruit, cow... [[What's something that you wish people would understand?:]] Me. [[What's something you wish you could understand better?:]] Me. [[Who's someone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?:]] Ryan [[I. YOUR FIRST KISS]] a. How old were you?: 13? b. Where did it happen?: A friend's basement c. When did it happen?: When I was 13 d. Who initiated the kiss?: Could say me... e. Was there a second kiss with that same person later? Many [[II.YOUR FRIENDS LIST]] a. Ever dated anyone who was your best friend before?: Nah b. Would you consider dating you best friends ex?: No... her taste in men is kinda scary. c. Have you kissed your best friends ex.? NO!!! Ew... [[THREE THINGS THAT SCARE ME:]] [x] Basements. [x] Cities at night [x] The Ring [[THREE PEOPLE WHO MAKE ME LAUGH:]] [x] Mike [x] Shan [x] John [[THREE THINGS I LOVE:]] [x] Theatre [x] Music [x] Friends [[THREE THINGS I HATE:]] [x] A certain chunk of my history [x] basements [x] bad people THREE THINGS I DON'T UNDERSTAND: [x] Me [x] A certain friend [x] My boyfriend [[THREE THINGS ON MY DESK:]] [x] I have no desk [[THREE THINGS I'M DOING RIGHT NOW:]] [x] This [x] Eating pizza [x] random comments [[THREE THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I DIE:]] [x] Act [x] Have kids. [x] Run away [[THREE THINGS I CAN DO:]] [x] sing [x] Act [x] dress [[THREE THINGS I CAN'T DO:]] [x] Be satisfied [x] talk to strangers [x] forget [[THREE WAYS TO DESCRIBE MY PERSONALITY:]] [x] Crazy [x] Bipolar [x] Likeable [[THREE WAYS TO DESCRIBE MY LOOKS:]] [x] Anime [x] Gothish [x] dark [[THREE THINGS I THINK YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO:]] [x] me [x] Collapsis [x] Shannon [[THREE THINGS I DON'T THINK YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO EVER:]] [x] My ex [x] Bad music [x] the chorus of the play I'm in [[THREE THINGS I SAY THE MOST:]] [x] damnit! [x] ARGH! [x] Uh... [[THREE OF YOUR ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOODS:]] [x] Fruit [x] Cow [x] Custard [[THREE THINGS YOU'D LIKE TO LEARN:]] [x] japanese [x] everything [x] everything else [[THREE BEVERAGES YOU DRINK REGULARLY:]] [x] Water [x] Milk [x] Rootbeer [[THREE SHOWS YOU WATCHED WHEN YOU WERE A KID:]] [x] Anime [x] Start Trek [x] The Tonight Show ------------RIGHT NOW------------ * Wearing: Not much * I'm feeling: sore * Eating: Pizza * Drinking: Nothing * Thinking about: Dowanna * Listening to: People talking * Talking to: Myself ------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------ * Cried: No * Worn a skirt: now * Met someone new: nah * Cleaned your room: HA! * Done laundry: I wish... * Driven a car: No ------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------ *Yourself: kinda * Your friends: Some * Santa Claus: Yes, he did exist at one time * Tooth Fairy: heh heh heh... * Angels: See first answer to this section * Ghosts: Yes * UFO's: Unidentified Flying Objects, so yes. ------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------ * Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes * Like anyone?: Dunno yet * Who have you known the longest of your friends: Shelby * When you cried the most: Middle school * What is the best feeling in the world: Umm... I'd rather not say * Worst Feeling: Insignificance * Who sent this to you: Stole it *Unfavorites* [[bands]] eh [[subject]] Math/History [[food]] Saur kraut [[color]] pink *this or that* [[boxers or briefs?]] Boxers [[plaid or striped?]] Striped [[scream or scream2 or scream3?]] No. [[ska or punk?]] Ska [[salt or pepper?]] Yes [[okay, ok, or o.k.?]] okay [[bright colors or dark colors?]] Dark [[tic-tacs or certs?]] Tic-Tacs [[sunshine or rain?]] Sun [[rain or snow?]] Rain [[sun or moon?]] Moon [[silver or gold?]] Silver [[silk, cotton, or flannel sheets?]] Microfiber! [[preps or freaks?]] freaks [[popcorn-with or w/out butter?]] With [[ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish?]] mayo [[shampoo+conditioner in one or separate?]] seperate *if you were _______, what would you be?* [[an animal]] cat [[a fruit]] star fruit [[a vegetable]] corn [[a color]] Silver [[a bug]] Something never seen yet *short answer* [[are you smart?]] Smarter than most [[do you like onions?]] Yeh [[what instruments can you play?]] Percussion, trombone, piano, crazy shit... [[what words do you overuse?]] Damnit! [[do you like to fingerpaint?]] Heh heh heh... [[do you sleep with socks on?]] Rarely [[are you ticklish?]] Mm... nooo. *innocent look* [[are you shy?]] WIth ppl I don't know [[do you talk to yourself?]] Yep [[is your house 1, 2, or 3 stories]] None, I have an apartment [[do you have a basement or an attic?]] Neither [[did you go to preschool?]] Yes [[are you a morning person?]] NO!!! [[whats your purity test score?]] uh.. heh heh.. *innocent blink* *hard questions* [[would you rather burn to death or freeze to death?]] Burn [[are the best things in life free?]] Debateable [[can money buy happiness?]] You can buy shit that'll make you happy [[if you had to dye your hair right now, what color would you make it?]] BLUE! [[if you had to get a body piercing right now where would it be?]] My ears again [[if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be?]] I'm trying to decide
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Sorry about helping to increase your fear of basements...I feel so were once so innocent.....