Mad World

Feeling: artistic
Last night was.... glorious. No, I'm not going to go into detail. Just know it was. I was allowed to revel in art... both in the afternoon sun and in the moonlight.... *sigh* Only now... I have one more picture of a perfect moment's incomparable beauty burned into my memories... and never will I have the ability to release it into the world. I'm not that talented. *l* Oh well... I hope everyone had a happy Easter (or Chocolate Bunny day, if you will ;þ). Mine was. My parents took the baby and I was free to experience one of the great wonders of my life. :) And, hopefully, soon I'll be auditioning for a play *knock on wood*. Fiddler on the Roof. Heh. I probably won't get in... but here's to hoping. I really do suck beyond compare at musical auditions. :) Anywho... I'm pretty peachy. My sister just started a WTF (*LOL* I wil forever call it that! Though, for those of you who must know, its Werewolf: The Forsaken) and VTR (Vampire: The Requiem) game that Goat is running for us. Its fun gaming with her. I'm beginning to feel LESS like ass... and my inhibitions are somewhat waning. Somewhat. I'm still rather awkward though... I mean, what the hell am I supposed to do with my hands?! *lol* (SOrry, if this post is a tad confusing, but... TOO BAD SUCKA! Those who understand are the only ones who should. :þ) On another note... I watched Donnie Darko for the first time last night (as well as afore mentioned gloriousness). It made me feel... weird. Kinda sad, kinda scared, kinda... lost. Achy... Bugeezus that rabit scares teh f*ck outta me! But the story.. is weird. And weird that even though the movie didn't make any sense... it didn't confuse me. Bleh. Now I'm just spewing crazy talk. Okay... Donnie Darko makes me feel funny! "And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad... The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had...." ....yeah.... Its definately a mad world.... OKay... I'll shut up now before I REALLY start talking crazy.
Read 4 comments
Hehe, Donnie Darco...*smile*

And Why do games always start when I am nowhere to be found...*pout* *wimper*

Ah well, Good luck on auditions and good to hear ya!
Hey! I'm glad you got some free time...I bet your even happier! heh...Donnie Darko is great...and I love that song! But anyway...good luck w/ auditions and everything else! Take care! ^_^
:pats your head: I have no idea what you are talking about.. still good luck
...and I love you...