{.64.} Homework Bullshit

Listening to: Touch-Clay Aiken
Feeling: wounded
I am home, It's 4:10. Hopefully the night doesn't go by too fast like it did on monday. I had a shitty day, as usually. I felt sick in the morning, but my mom forced me to go to school. I felt like crying as i walked to my bus. Tomorrow will be better, hopefully... Mark is back from his retreat, so that means i don't have to go to the library. No that the library was that bad. i sit with a girl named charolette. so i am not alone. I don't eat when i go to the library thou. Science was alright. i am pissed because i don't understand how my teacher marked my test and what i got on it. W/E, i am not going to worry about that. I have to write a french story. I should work on that now, because i have LOADS of math,a test and EQAO to study for, and Science shit to do. Maybe i will post my story at the end.
Read 15 comments
what you want it to say here
The quote on my diary...lyrics from an S Club 7 song. Sadly.
put this before you write and but this after

you are to do this everytime
replace color name with what color you want.
hey I got my top left picture from some random website...i went to aol.com and put journal icons into the journalo search and looked at other people's
If you want them in your entries I pick colors from the preference menu with the list of colors ... it should work from that, just make sure that you take out the spaces before and after the opening and closing tags ... If it doesn't let me know
hey hey..i like ur journal..the backgrounds sweet. laters :o)
My entry is more for the people who only threaten suicide whenever they're not getting the attention that they crave. I understand that some ppl are clinically depressed, and my entry wasn't for those people. Notice I have "depressed" in quotation marks.
lolz i'm glad to share the interest of bam with you.. he's yummylicious lol ~mel~
my sister is 23....and she can barely stand it

put img src="name"

inside of them tags at the top and it will work or should
hah that was just for fun.. if you want one... then highlight it and then press ctrl+c n then past it wherever you want. -kim :)
the law.. u know how if a minor an adult had sex the adult would be charged for sexual assault even if it was consensual, because the minor, is obvioulsy underage.. well now the law is saying that even if two minors.. so the both of them are underage have sex and it is found out about the police have to take action and charge, because they are trying to lower the amt. of teens having sex ~mel~
even the most evil still want hugs...and flowery is not my style...
no.. sorry.. i have aol/aim