{.96.} So to hell with holiday romantics

Feeling: angry
i hate christmas so much. it's a stupid holiday, which is a total waste of money. my family hasn't even gone shopping nor do we have that stupid tree up. i'm glad. it's fucking stupid. i found out my friend is an idiot yesterday. she's a total fuck cuz she took mushrooms and pot. and FUCK i hate her for what she's burdened me with. fucking asshole. she's just a stranger now. i am so angry today. everything is horrible and i just want to die my brother looked through the damn door and saw me cutting. bastard. why can't people just leave me alone. i did it cuz i was too stressed becuz of stupid christmas and stupid fuck-up friend. i hate everything. i am fucking so angry. and i don't know what to do. i don't know how to handle this shit. fuck fuck fuck what should i do? any advice? haha. like anyone reads this fucking shit
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hey =) cool diary
wow.. from your survey you sound like exactly like me and i fucking hate christmas and fucking drugs fuck everyone man im sry your mad. ur entry made me angry too... lol
thanks :o)
your probably right, i've just got so much crap on my hands right now i think i'm taking it out on the wrong people...

but the song is called lipgloss and letdown by a static lullaby

I? .. is there supposed too be more too that? just wondering ..
I dislike christmas .. it doesnt even feel like Christmas ..
your not the only one whose angry ..ive been in bad moods alot lately .. and my friends are just .. idk what they are anymore : .. i think i need help before I go insane ..


noo you cant go crazy :(
you can talk to me :) im a pretty good listener ((or in this case reader))
I think i could help :) lol

no i didn't write it...the first two paragraph thingers are a song by brand new. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot. you know what? i hate christmas as well.

hee awesome .. i like too listen too people .. do you have AIM? i hope I could help you :)

yeah elvis is my love!
ok, umm do you know how to upload pictures??
the song is called bliss tearing eyes by deadpoetic
okay! gimmie your snow!!