{.130.} Confused

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Feeling: weird
i'm actually really scared for my friend. she thinks she fat. she's not. i know fat. cuz. psst. i am. man, it scares me because she's so pretty. but then i think, man i wish i had that power, to just stop eating, or if i could figure out a way to make myself throw up. man. i'm messed up. I think that one day, i'll figure out a way. i want to be smaller by grade 12. think i can do it? i don't. i sincerely don't. I look in the mirror, and i think, man. i am going to be this way forever. like forever. i'll be lonely, and hateful. Today was a waste of a day. i'm totally pissed off, because my fucking french teacher is a bitch fuck. she said i need a new poem because it' too short. fucker. it's not too short. she just doesn't want me to get a good mark. she wants me to fail every fucking thing i try. I'm not sure what to do. i'm so fucking angry, and so fucking sad, and so fucking anxious, and so fucking numb. God, i don't know what to do. When i am queen, you all will see, the patron saint of self injury
Read 4 comments
Well, for those of us that lack the willpower to develop an eating disorder, there IS always healthy food and exercise.

I just joined a gym and I feel less guilty already. :) Take care.
Well if you think you can't your won't. That's just how it goes. I have been chunky my whole life and have been on the whole diet stuff but the most sucessfull thing I have ever done wasn't even on purpose. I worked in Yellowstone and on my days off I would go hiking or cannoeing or whatever fun thing people were going to do. I lost 30lbs without thinking about it. And on top of it everything I ate was fried. So excersize can make up for [cont]
... can make up for a horrible diet. Thinking back on it I don't think I have ever eaten more things that were bad for me than last summer. I had chocolate every day. One of my friends runs like 6 miles a day so he can eat whatever he wants he says, but he loves to run find something you love to do that will work you out and just do it for the fun of it. And just remember you don't have to be a size 3 you should just be healthy :D
I love your header picture :)