Rating (one is the lowest, 10 is the highest): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Summary: The book is about Kellory, the warlock, and his quest to rid the world of the people who destroyed his civilization. It is also about his personal growth. The main character shows a great amount of ingenuity. I find myself wishing that it were longer. The story line was good, the descriptions were nice meaning that there wasn’t too much or too little, and I didn’t find any spelling errors or obvious grammar errors.
Brief Temperament Analysis
(Note: the young adult audience will enjoy this book best)
SP: Plenty of action and will probably relate to some of Kellory’s need for autonomy, although they will probably find Kellory to be a bit mysterious and odd due to how he tends to keep to himself and to think things through before actually doing them.
SJ: Probably will relate to how the main character’s planning though they will find his extreme autonomy and non-conformity to be odd if not offense, especially when he takes a verbal shot at some of the leaders in the book.
NF: May enjoy the slight romance factor in the story as well as trying to figure out and analysis the interpersonal relationships. They may also relate to Kellory cause for vengeance and enjoy taking the book apart symbolically. The author uses a lot of metaphoric and some symbolic language and thus I suspect that the is some kind of intuitive.
NT: NT readers will probably relate best to the main character who is an INTJ, IMO. They will enjoy his use of logic and may find themselves solving the little challenges in the book before the main character does (especially if their ‘T’ function is particularly well developed and possibly a well developed ‘N’ function may lead to this little dilemma).
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