I Thought I was Over This

Edit: Okay, things aren't as bad as they could be- friend finder apparently uses e-mail addresses to connect people and not anything else. I'll leave the rest though just for kicks. It's good to know how one reacts in such a panicked situation. *** He's back, I just saw that he and this one girl are now friends on facebook. My name probably would have come first in the friend finder. He must be avoiding me. I bet he didn't know that I'd find out this was. I'm having a bit of a rough moment. It'll pass. I was doing so well this week. I had hardly though about him, nor had I gotten depressed over him, and I'd talked to other guys. I suppose I have my answer now for certain. Perhaps I'll quit that social networking site until I can handle him and her in my newsfeed - but never just him because he didn't request to be my friend, and my name would've been first on the list in the friend finder assuming he looked for people who went to our high school. I'm gonig to be tough though. I have the Lord to turn to, and family and friends if need be. I'm an Amazon, and Amazons don't need men in order to be happy. One of the first character's that I gave the name Amyelk to was an ambidextrous sword woman. I'm going to try to be like that. Besides, I never knew him that well, the person I liked was never real, I've suspected this all along, I just couldn't figure out how to reighn in my emotions at the time. Now I have a better idea of how I can accomplish this, and I WILL accomplish this. I have faith to do this, with the Lord's help all things are possible. ~Amyelk Out
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how do you know that she didn't request his friendship?
seriously, sarah, just because he was trying to find an old friend doesn't mean that he is avoiding you? why don't you send him a facebook message saying hi, how are you, what are you up to. it is innocuous enough, right? I probably don't understand the situation fully, but i think you're maybe giving up too soon.
weird I looked at your diary and it started at the first I don't like that because the first few have bad things about me. Why did it do that ~kaylers