The Day before Tomorow

Tomorrow I leave for college. I'm so excited! I'm a bit nervous too though, but that's outweighed by excitement. My classes sound like they should be fun, although I'm going to have a lot of memorizing to do between Speech, Theatre, and Institute. I'm hoping that my roommate and I will get along; although I can tell that her personality is very different from mine. At least we still have some things in common, and I'm armed with my knowledge of personality type so that should help as well. Yes, all my insane obsessing over the MBTI is going to prove useful in the end! I'm currently reading "Personality Type, An Owner's Manual" by Lenore Thomson. It's really good! If you’re interested in personality type then you should read this book! I'm fairly sure that I'm INFJ now. Her IJ explanation fits me fairly well although her FJ description shows that I need to work on developing my Fe. ~Amyelk Out
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Good luck Sarah! I'm thinking of you! loves Kayley!
cute diary
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