Replacing Heart Strings

Every once in a while something happens that rips a string from your heart. Sometimes it’s slow and expected. Other times the string breaks of its own accord and whacks you in the eye, temporarily blinding you. I’ve been thinking about what happened these last two years and have come to realize that this is what happened to me. In some cases, I allowed it to happen to me. Thus, I find myself mentally tuning and replacing the strings in my heart, and in some cases preparing for a replacement string. The broken strings I place in my memory, and I seal them tightly away for another day. I finally came to the realization that I’m not the type to take revenge on impulse. It’s a good feeling actually. I believe the feeling this knowledge gives me is far better than revenge its self is in most cases. ~Amyelk Out
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You should try and turn that into poetry. It would be great! If you don't do it soon I might be tempted to try. pobably not as good cuz its your words