Well Hello!

Hmm. I havn't written anything interesting latley! Geesh! School is eh, well it's school! Ryan and I are working things out, we're becoming friends again and I'm so happy! I missed him a lot! My cousin Allie, who is like my sister, had to go to court last week with her mom and my grandmom. Her aunt on her dad's side tried to get custody of her, and won because they don't like that my grandmom works at night. It's a long story that I don't feel like getting in to, but it's sad. Allie is 7, she cried because she said she loves everyone and wants things how they are now. Well, we're getting an appeal and I think we're going to win! I really don't want her to go! Her aunt lives 2 hours away! :-( There is really nothing interesting to say! Seriously, I have a boring life! haha. Actually, I have to make Lizzie a CD! So I'm off, bye bye! xoxoTam
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im sorry to hear about chur cuzzin :'( but i like ur layout ;D
