[music|Mya//"Ghetto Superstar"]
YoOo!! Tonight was funnnn. i went bowling wiht lizzie + others. We had a lot of fun!! We didnt reli care about bowling tho..we were just having fun!! i love my girl lizzie!!
Kelly is on her way to flordia as we speak!! I didnt get to say bye!!! She was supposed to come to the bowling ally so i could, but she never did cuz they were already running late!! :(....it's kewl, we talked on the phone and such...so it'll be alright!! I can't wait until vaca. I'm so sick of this place!!! lol....
haha jared is the biggest idiot ever!! thinking he can read my private entries!! mwahahahaha..what a freak-o!! lolololol!!
I have to babysit tomorrow!! I don't mind it cuz that mean more $!!! I'll need it too!! I'm running low, and i wanna save for the beach and possibly ODW!! ahh i miss my boy davey like crazy!! i love him! seriously the kid is so sweet!! i'm a little older then him, lol..but it's kewl!! my dad said i could take a train to new jersey sometime with a friend, so maybe i'll invite lizzie to come with me!!! Her parents *might* let her come..they're not too strict, and she's really responsible!! We would have a blast, and i would get to see davey!! aww! it sounds so awesome...but i doubt it'll happen!! But i wish it would!!
Well, I'm gonna go!! I'm hella tired..and well ya know how it is!!
LuV *TaM*
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