[music|whose line is it anyway?]
yay, i'm about to watch me some whose line! i love it!! lol...well i'll explain the woo woo in a nutshell...
yesturday i went over to michelles, and we went to see a movie!! (legally blonde II) Then, after the movie we went to my house and slept there, we had fun...and i had to babysit at 10 in the morning, and i crawled outta bed when the guy was knocking on the door!! lol...well then we went to the pool and it was fun...we didnt stay very long but taylor was getting cranky!! We just chilled--went out shopping with my sister, didnt get nething!! lol...we kinda both wanted to stick together (lol) but both of us have to babysit early tomorrow!! maybe we can just chill again tomorrow...i dunno!! well thats everything!! BYE!
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