Thank you.

These are just things I thought I'd write, kinda like shout outs..but not really. Just a thank you for being my friend!! Michelle--I don't know what I would do without you. You're my best friend. You know me, and you understand me. You always know how to make me smile, or make me feel better about myself. You've been thru hell and back, so you know what to say to me when I feel like shit, or feel pressure to do something. I love you to death and I couldn't ask for a better friend! Lizzie--You and I have always been close. Whether we're together or apart it's like we have a special connection and no matter what I can always call you and talk to you. (except when you're not I can talk to you about anything and I know you wont judge me. You're wonderful i love you! Alicia--I don't know what to say. We've been thru some pretty bad times. We even hated each other, but you're a wonderful girl. We had more good times then bad, and I'll always remember them. I'll always cherish our time as best friends, because some of the times we had have been the best of my life. In my heart you'll always be someone I consider a best friend. We might now talk or hang out as much as we used to, but we still know each other well. You always know what to say when I feel like shit, and I'm glad that we resolved our past problems. i love you! Kerian--Hey, well, we've been friends for quite some times, and we're not best friends, but you'll always be one of my good ones. A lot of people say a lot of shit about you...and I'll admit you used to say a lot of shit, but you've changed, and I see that. You're a great girl and a great friend! i love you! Heather--Heyy! You're such a sweetie. I KNOW i can tell you anything. We have so much fun together and I love you for cheering me up every day! You're such a cool girl, and I hope the best for you and rob. I love you girl. Whit--Hey!! You're like my fun-friend. I know i've been saying this to like everyone but I really can say anything to you...haha. you're a lot of fun and i'm glad we're friends. Sarah--HEYY! Oh maaan..pen pal! It's like fate rah, we were supposed to be friends! I love you for making me laugh. You say the silliest things, but I love it all. I love you! Whoever wrote those notes say i rock--(even if it's one of the people above) I LOVE YOU! I really don't think I rock that much, but Thank you. The more I smile, the more I know who my real friends are. This all being said...Thank you, all of you. I couldn't ask for better people in my life. You all make me so happy. I love you all to death. I've never been so happy in my life. I didn't know going thru hell could lead me to such happiness. I'm so happy, and I just want to let you all know that you're the reason I'm happy. You're the reason I get up in the morning, because I know when I get to school there are gonna be people there who care about me, who REALLY care about me. I know I've said it a million times, but I love you all. Thanks, so much. Bye-bye.
Read 7 comments
Tam...YOU ROCK!!
aw tam! that was great..but i think mine shoulda been a little longer...haha jk! i love you
i would say something like this before i died...or decided to kill myself (which i do not see in the foreseeable future) i just wonder where my bit is
Tam~ u've always been the most compassionate person i've known u have the best qualities in your personality.. and although there are a few that may
not b so great the good ones hide them and heyy no one is perfect but u truly are a good person...don't let anyone convince u otherwise...
yeah, i've got those...i have up to number 20, I don't know if theres more cuz I stopped reading tem in 9th grade b/c I read them too fast, so it'd b a month until the new ones came out so I got fed up. haha...but yeah, just tell me what number you want up to and they're all yours.