HeLLo friendz!! haha...so what have i been up to latley...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
well, i still havn't gotten around to calling lizzie, well i want to, but the girl is never home!! lol!! i still love her!! So, the other night randi left, and then the night after michelle and i went over to her house cuz we needed to give them their birds back, and some stuff that randi left here. But, it was funny because she got kicked out of her house, and now she's FREE!! lol, i'm sure she'll never read this bcuz shes not online much, but have fun with ur freedom girlie :)!! lol!! By the way, are you pregnant?? hahaha jk jk!
Sooo...my screen name is being EXTREMELY GAY! haha!!!!!! so if ya need me IM me on TeeAyEmEmWy!! Seriously, it's so annoying...my buddylist isn't showing up on AIM and AOL, and everyone else in my house is having no problem with theirs!! Of course, the one who's on more has the problems..ugh!
So last night we had a really bad storm, and the lightening hit our phone box outside, and it was like completley fried. It was scary when it actually happened, it was like a big crack, but right now we have no phones!! Luckilly i have high speed internet so that i don't have to lose the internet!! haha, but yeah the phone guy was here today and he said he fixed it and then left, but the stupid bum didn't do nething!! Ugh, how annoying. I guess it's not a big deal...but how will i call lizzie now?! lol...oh man..
Hmm well now it's 8:30, i think, but who knows cuz my computer clock is fucked..lol, but yeah today we had a little picnic BBQ thinger for my sisters bday, which was the 11th, but today was a good day for it!! All of her friends came over and it was fun. two of them are pregnant and their so cute!! their really tiny and have like giant stomachs!!! i love it, lol...although i don't think the boyfriends they have are too cool to be having, they control their every moves!!! seriously, these girls are like 20, and their boyfriends are majorly controlling them!! ahh its crazy...
ahh! guess what!! jared said he had a dream and i was in it!! ahahahaha, how funny is that?! I find it fuckin hilarious!!
well, neway i'm gonna go, bcuz i don't like writing long entries!! haha byeee!!
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