[music|Boy Meets World]
Woo woo. Boy meets world is off the heezy! fo sheezy! So let me start with this entry before i go talking about good ol boy meets world!
Ok, tonite i went to chris's graduation from college. (my sisters boyfriend) woo woo congrats chris!! You're my most favorite older brother! i love you!! Then we went to Outback to eat, which was crazy bcuz they have the most horrible service, well they did 2nite. But their Baked Potato soup is also of the heezy!! i'm in love.
Then we went to V-ball night and saw ambie!! She's doing better!! I'm so happy!! I have the best news ever about tracy!! OK, she got 2 tubes taken out of her today, which is great because that means she not dependent on them...and she squeezed laurens hand!!! and her grandmas!!!! How awesome is that?! She is getting surgery on her jaw such tomorrow, which means they think she's strong enough to go thru surgery!! That's so sweet. I'm so excited!!
Well...I hope after her surgery i can go see her!! I doubt it because i'm not family..or ne type of really close friends...buut i love the girl dearly so maybe they'll let me just take a peak!! lol.
Well, thats all. I'm talking to Jared..woo woo!! haha...just thought i'd let everyone know. Michelle gave him my screen name. haha.
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