[music|SoCo//"Walking By"]
hey hey!! ahhh today was interesting!! lol...well i woke up at like 10-10:30ish...and then i got online and talked to jared woo woo...then he picked me up at 12 to go to michelles!! We got there and michelle like just rolled outta bed!! ahahaha!! We went and got food and brought it back to her house and ate it, then just chielled until about 3:15!! Then When i got home my dog was at the vet!! He's sooo little but attacks like everyone so we wanted to see what was wrong...so around 4ish my mom got home with him, and he has anxiety and has to take vallume!! ahahahaha...we all found this hilarious!! lol..but now he's reli like mellow and itz funny..cuz he's usually a little terrorist!! lol....
so then later my mom comes downstairs to tell me that we're going to Olive Garden...mmm i got some fettuchuni (sp?) alfredo!! Then my mom and i went to wal*mart..lol, and i got some lipgloss for my beloved cousins!! lol!! Now I am awaiting the arrival of Randi!! She's coming to stay with us for 2 weeks, and i'm so bored she needs to come now!! lol!! I can't wait for the beach!! AHH!! lol, i just remembered that randi is gonna b there and she's friggin' awesome, so we should have some fun! haha..
yeah...but i dunno if i said this already, but since tracy has been talking she's asked why she's in the hospital!! that's really good..it means she knows where she is...she's showing some good signs..like she called her dad, dad..and responded to "i'm sorry" by saying no problem...so she's obviously comprehending these things!! i love her so much and hope she gets better!! she's such a great girl!!
Michelle left for flordia today!! well, actually she left for west virginia, and she's leaving for flordia saturday!! (she's going w/ jade who lives in wv!) i'll miss her but it wont be long! haha lizzie is at the beach too!! what am i gonna do without my 2 bestest friends ever?????? lol...but like i said i got randi so it's all gravy!!
well, neway im gonna goooooo!! lata foolzzz!! haha!