Hey! Ugh, for the last 7 1/2 hours my electricity has been out!! My whole street was out!! It was sooo annoying!! But it's kewl cuz my Dad took me to Denny's so I wasn't so bored! I love their buffalo chicken strips....sooo u know!! I had to get some! But it's been so boring, with nothing to do at all! No TV, Computer, ANYTHING...we didnt even have water because our water is controlled by an electrical pump!! We called the electric co. buuut, they just said they knew about it and they would fix it, they finally did....like 10 minutes ago!! Freaks...lol. Well today was pretty interesting!! Michelle slept over last night, and left around 12:30 today bcuz she had gymnastics today!! We had some fun this week, but i just talked about it last entry!! Geesh, well i'm gonna go!! Lateerrr!!!
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