[music|the tv.]
Ha, I guess you can say i've been etremely anti-social recently, except for the random calls to my girl lizzie. i just needed a break from EVERYONE. I wish i could like go on vacation by myself. Hmm, well atleast i know i can make it on my own, WITHOUT help from others. I'm independent and proud..pshh, ha.
I seriously don't know what it is, i just get really annoyed with everyone and need some time alone. I used to not be like that..but i've realize that quit time is not bad. lol, so any of my friends who have been wondering what i've been doing here's your answer: sitting in my room doing nothing but laying there peacefully watching TV and eating. lol, it was a nice break and now i'm ready for school where it's like impossible to be anti-social because of all the awesome people. haha...
sooo today i didn't really do nething, but i showered!! hahaha, and then me+padg+bro went to the old country buffet...woo woo, it wasn't that great, i had like mashed potatoes and mac+cheese, oh yeah and a piece of cheese cake...mmmmmmmm. lol, i really didn't eat much but ooo well, it was fun. I start school on wednesdayyyyy....ahhhhhh
haha, i already know what im wearing the 1st day of school, i have to in my room all hung up together and shit, it's kinda amusing. i have nothing else to do with my time but plan outfits, and sadly, i like it like that.
completley off subject now, ryan is a fuck. he pisses me off to the fullest. im so nice to him, and he has such dull responses like he doesnt even care. all guys are like that, except for jared of course, but he makes it extra upsetting. i guess i shouldn't let a stupid fuck get to me, i shouldn't even talk to him, he should be LUCKY that i do!!! ohhh well, i thought that we were making a "recovery" from our horrible stupid fight when we were partners for this history thinger last year, and i thought after that we'd be back to grimey and notzy...buut we weren't! He was still ryan and im still tammy!! noooooo..baah im going on about stupid shizz.
hmm well i think im gonna go now, i'm talking to my great friend cart who would like to read this when im done...lol WHAD UP CART?? i love ya girl! hmm...well im out byeeee!
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