ian is a prick

before i click send. it keeps logging me out anyway jesus ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick ian is a prick anyway he dumped amber. well he hasnt told her yet but she knows because he told everyone except her. and she read the conversation. she says she dosent care but personally i think he should have his testicles cut off with a rusty knife. this should preferably have been placed in corrosive acid before use. that is if he has any testicles. which i doubt. i was just talking to him. i got so mad at him cause he kept goin lol while talkin about dumpin amber and then he said who would want to go out with abbie especially me? he was sayin all this stuff an it was all bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit anyway i got really pissed off dunno what happenned i was just so fucking mad with him...
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good for her, he deserves better than that. maybe you can have him, i know you slept with him at stephanie's party. you little whore.
no offense but who the heel are you?
damn sum 1 got caught sleepin around...whats sad is that 13 year ols r sleepin around and shit. what has this world become? jesus saves!!!
do you believe everything you read?