Hahaha thats hilarious but cool glenn! nice one! yeah so later
hey glenn yeah sorry im always so much of a drag. i like parties at your house. party on .
hey Lt. Sassy Pants!
add my new diary: enraptured
wow thats so rite! cool cool
I love that song, Electric Funeral! I haven't heard it in about a year though. Is that a picture of you?
ooh by the way i like ur music
oh dayum i didnt kno u were that cool!
wow what is this quiz?
hey u ur on! what r u up to??
Thank you so much! oh i got out of the shower and it was messed up but not enough worth taking a picture of! haha see you tomorrow
Oh, well you're hott then. Just to let you know, lol.
nice diary :)! oh and congrats on your quiz results!
add me goddamit!
hey glen its ashley love your diary "it's hot" lol
had a ton a fun today borning at time lol
but you are a good leader when we got lost !!lol
peace!! love!! ashley
Hey Glenn, I cannot believe we got lost...thanks so much for helping us, Oí cant believe you left your wallet haha! Yeah i had fun hanging out with you! Thanks!
hey whats up man, hows it goin i hope life is good. anyways we should all hang out and have a lil getogether/ powow. anyways hope you week this week goes good, and may peace be with you.

scincerely: jon nichols (idman) oh ya i still feel like an asshole when i remember that story you told me about me hitting you with a dodge ball and laughing, im so sorry, please forgive me, alright well later man. :)