mmmmmmm.... trip!

Listening to: my dad playin guitar
Hey hows it goin... just got back from a fieled trip in which i missed a HOLE DAY OF SCHOOL!! it was ok..... i got to go see the peperdine and ucla campuses.. damn peperdin. the food was good though.. really good pizza... ofcourse Garrett was kind enough to buy me a jelly donut! it was sooooo steller thanx garrett! On the way there, Gerrett was kind enough to let me listen to his beatle albums with Ashly's CD player. thank you both sooooo much... that was really the best part of the trip.... i got some really good pictures of the colleges.. out tour guides at UCLA were sooooo cool one of them had a green mohawk! it was pretty coollio! wow.. i just said that.. eeeesh! anyways. i had an ok time.tiered as hell though..... the weakend was pretty cool though..... saturday night LAUREN and oliva came over at like 9:00 pm.. it was cool we talked for a while and then laurens mom must have herd that lauren was at my place and called her home emidiatly.... oh i am a fool! anyways that was reallllllllly cool that they came over. Earlier that day we (BRENDA STARR) had practice! it went really good. we recorded some stuff..... i sucked naturally.... and i kept fuckin up on Breakin the law by Judas Priest........ urgh! anyways..... thats all that happend! yeah............. mooses Peace out my dammys! Love, Glenn Tierney Murphy ¦¬)
Read 43 comments
omgosh glenn i'm not mad at all hes soo awesome, it wasnt him at all. just the other guy you mentioned, he started inviting ppl who i love to death, i just didnt want to come, ya know? well i had a great time, i think it went pretty well- dont you? well thanks for coming!!!!!!!!!!
oh yeah brendastarr's website its awesome of course!!did you learn how to do all of that at fhs?
haha yah me and my non-7th period.. haha, man ur in class while im out... that sucks... well next year u dont have to have pe so u can get ut at 1:20 for once.. haha if only next year was close.... but yah.. lol im fine what about u? but ah babysitting... ohj jeeze once again.. so annoying... well ttyl
hey are you going to jenna's tommorrow?
Glenn I am sorry! I know i caused you problems on AIM and everything no matter how i was talkin to you! I AM SORRY! but why arent you using AIM? How am i going to talk to you now? i mean, never mind...i give up! Victoria
thats awesome glenn!i dont know how you do it but you do!...yeah we really do just need to talk cuz it seems we never do...see you tonight!
Yah we should but im grounded for a while.Im even grounded on my birthday!It sucks.I love the site!!It looks great!!Love yah!- Kaelyn
howdy glenn.
when I said I caused you problems, it was implying bringing you down as well, I dont know if any of it is my fault but i feel like it is and I take the blame! like yeah, if everything cool with us still or what? i mean i want it to be....but i dont know how you feel about the whole "friendship" thing anymore.
GLENN! how was your recording session? well needa comment me and tell me when you put your song on your band site...i wanna hear so dont forget! Oh and you needa give me the pictures still...i am waiting!
friday were goin to buena
then ben is goin to meet us at the mall - greg
Glenn!!hows it going?it seems i never see you even though i do like every friday but all the same thats how it seems.we need to talk sometime...ok!see you manana.later-
aw sweetie I love you

ok..thanks! i just wanted to make sure that it was because i am pretty slow and yeah! it sucks..i dont getta talk to you as much now! i mean i could call you and bug you but i know you dont want me callin you! so yeah..COOL! everything is ok so good!
Omg u sooo have to come to raid my house that would make my day!I LOVE you Glennard!!Hope everythings swell!!
ok greg says i shud ask you about vietnam, tori's bulling how she made greg cry, rescuing kids from stupid skools and like an affrican slave! haha well w.b
hah iono lol i was just supposed to mention that bc greg thinks i didnt believe him...i guess ur his proof or something...
yea haha aww well thats kool u guys are such good friends.
I like how crappy that cocktail thing is. I did it twice with the same name, and it came up with two toatlly different thinhgs. Bummer. That's what i get for truting a fake clarvoent....damn
o shit dude, ill try. ya dude ill try to get a ride for you.
you and your increasing number of comments.

it is sickening.

I heart you!!!
glenn you are the most awesome dude ever. the website is awesome dude. i love you man.
jesus tapdancing christ glenn
add meeeeeeee
dude, i tried to take a picture because i am crying but they didnt turn out, plus the eyeliner wasnt that bad...i will have to try later..probably tomorrow night!
dude you sounded good. and you just gotta listen to breakin the law and see how it goes. then sing along with it every day. thats how i get guitar stuff down im sure it will work for singing.
hay dude its ok about the little mistakes you made. they can be fixed with practice!!!!!!!! yayyay haha ya. i think the next time we can practice is on sat. that kinda sucks bc its a long time from now. but ya. i got the guy that mixed the crazy jenette demo to record us professionally when were ready an put us on a cd and shit coo!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love this song... Basket Case... Green Day totally kicks ass... comment back if you wish!
heyhayhey! no i dont even think my mom knows we went to ur place haha man were rebels... first we take my moms car then go to ur casa! haha --lauren
you got to go and i didn't. so... rawr.

just like my icon picture that i just figured out how to do
No problem mate, just helping a fellow friend in need.

That was sick, I still can't believe Ashley and Victoria deflowered our table.. bad thought.

OMFG!! GLENN!! how have you been? i haven't talked to you in forever. whats new with you?
glenn you have to show me how to put a song on my diary... for reals i've been at your diary so i can listen to the song... i love that song so freaking much its not funny!!!!!!!!
Naw! you didnt suck! and you know it! haha the trip was hilarious and awesome! good times! haha "deflowered!!!" Oí Vay! talk to you tomorrow!
hey glenn you are gonna have to change my inspiration. it should include: iron maiden, judas priest and black sabbath. and nathan wants some inspiration listed for him but you should ask him what it is. and erase the stuff thats not on my small list please.
dude can you do some thing for the site? can you put on the lineup


thatll be badass

ya dude
your such a dork glennmy name is spelled ashley with an "e"lol

peace ashley
you're mom's full of douche bags.

now add me!
Your music is gay. I can't believe that your Satan music graced the bandwith of my browser.


did i mention you look very cute in your pic ;)
yes, i do get hurt..bad.
Hi glenn... i remember when you and marissa and i hung out ( i being taylor ward) yeaaah that was fun
yeah he does. but it was my fault for staying with him for as long as i did.

do you have a sn?