Nothing can go right for long

Listening to: im stoned
Feeling: depressed
I decided im not going to write in this diary any more. I should be dead. I dont know why im not. Anyways. Its been fun. ta ta Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch I guess I deserve It
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♥ Victoria
uhm uhm. ouch? i'll say it with you i guess. or no nevermind. why you saying ouch? :(
Fucking stop! STOP STOP STOP!! If this is how you feel, we seriously need to talk. This is NOT what all of this is about.... You deserve to be alive. DONT MAKE THIS HAPPEN LIKE THIS. I love you, you're one of my only friends, and I cant handle anymore suffering than has already manifested itself in my life. I NEVER want you to suffer, and I think this is getting a little more dramatic than it needs to be. This is not a war, or a denouncement
this is not anything to do with me not liking you, or me trying to hurt you, or anything like that. Have you ever lost your entire family in the course of two months? Well, thats just about the position I'm in and I just need some understanding, because I'm really fucked up right now. REALLY FUCKED UP. so, please, Please, please, stop. I cant lose my sisters, my step-mom, my brother, and you all at the same time... What can I do, to help you?
just tell me and I'll do it. Because, not matter what's going on in my fucked up world, I'll always, always, always, always, care about you. ALWAYS. I dont want you to forget that. Sorry this is so long..... But I could fill up more comment boxes, if you want me to...
With the utmost sincerity, Kiana
Glenn, if you ever need to talk, you have my phone number- and I'm always online. I'm always ready and willing to help.

Get better.

hey glenn,
you've got a ton of people worried about you. you could talk to anyone at school and they would listen, whatever you do, dont do anything've got wayyyy to many people who care about you and are willing to help

GLENN! don't fuckin say that! u shouldnt be dead! FUCKIN isnt even funny yea DONT say it ever cause u are the best & i love you so much as my friend. I dont want u to feel like that...i am here for u if u need me...dont hesitate ever! that is really sad & i dont want u to think or feel that cause it hurts me & u are making me cry!! u shouldn't be dead...its not funny, its sad & depressing to me that u feel u should.
nobody deserves to be dead.
if you ever want to just talk, or maybe vent a little, i'll listen.

glennnnnnnnnnnnn.... please don't talk like that. you don't deserve this... you shouldn't be talking like this. there are so many ppl who care so much about you! please just stop...
