the world is not ideal

in an ideal world, it would flow from me. from every aspect of me, out of my pores, as natural and as human as sweat. i could breathe it, take it in, and let it out, as a sigh escapes from between my lips. it would fall from my eyes like the teardrops that have been lamentably absent of late. it would leave little trails to remember each one by on my cheeks. it would roll down the contours of my body, and spring from that same entity, gathering in little pools at my feet. and people could step on them as they passed by, and scatter them, and dirty them with their interference. but there'd be a drop or two stuck to them... in an ideal world.
Read 6 comments
Finally! Someone else who's noticed the missing period!
Tell me, are you an Elite Grammar Whore like I am? Is the English language your bitch, too? It's aggravating, isn't it? When you notice little things like that and you just start to wonder "Hmph, wonder why they did that."
And your words, your entry is very ... intriguing; thought-provoking, actually.
I've often felt like that- like other people mess things up too much... which is why I pretty much stay away from most of them.

I too am an Elite Grammar Whore! Oh, joy. Heh.
in an ideal world
we'd all be dry shoulders
completely and totally chipless.

i like your methods here.

my words tend to adhere to people, but i'd say they've got more in common with pointy things than with tears.

someone looked over
my shoulder at your
picture today
and exclaimed (and i quote)
'holy mother of macadamia, i'd give my left foot for that girl!'
thankyou for defining jocund, miriam webster is my bitch! no really thanks though. add rocknroll067 to your IM LIST
bright eyes is amzing! no, they're... stupendous!
I find your writing rather incredible, really. Maybe I'll be as awesome as you someday. Probably not. Out: Gretchen