because they're not real

sometimes i have that dream where we're happy, and together. smiling, and napping a lot. blissfully unconscious. not alone anymore. but what are dreams, anyway...
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i know how you feel, feeling like you cant ever do anything. i feel like that all the time. like i have no skills, or gifts. i just learned to watch the game from the sidelines. because feeling stupid because i suck at playing hurts more and more every time
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
hey there lindsey! your diary looks so good to eat! mmmmm..... foood... it's not fair! you should drop the whole writing thing and go into advertising. yup.
ps, is that you in that picture? college freshman do some crasidy stuff sometimes. just wondering. mmmmm.... butter. the center of it all. the center of life. butter, nice yellow butter.....
pps, Dreams ROCK!!! Just the other day i had a dream that aliens took over earth by breakin up the moon and hurling big moon rocks at our houses and towns!
Then i dreamed the other night that i had super powers and could fly and shoot fireballs from my hands.
I fall in love in my dreams, and those are the saddest. Because the girls i make up in my head are perfect. And thats always the saddest thing... Reality always awaits on the morrow..
i love your diary, its funny and cute. iiigghhttt, u doin the gang stuff, nice nice. hehe, ghetto-ness all they was, and yes i shall leave wyatt love notes
ptthh :P
Dreams are the awakening of our subconscious, the 90% of our braing we don't get to use when we're awake.

Just thinking about the genius within that 90% makes dreams seem important, especially when having them once every few months.

Dreams can tell the future, explain the current, give meaning and symbolism.

The genius is inherent.

However, I do understand dreams being a mindfuck. I sometimes don't like to deal with them =)

I need them!! They clue me into the secrets of the universe and help me take over small rural town in southeast Oklahoma. And they keep my unsane.

Write an entry! I'm craving Lindsey!!

I can't read anything you write with out getting hungry from the waffle. I can smell it now. Nice, other than that.
aww, i like the waffles.


yes. nice background. i would change my diary look instead of writing essays, execpt i'd probably mess it up.

yes. but if you're gonna drink vanilla coke, why not drink vanilla coke? what's with the diet? it makes things taste like sweet and low...... anyways. i should probably start working....... i should......
oh i do too. mine changes like very week.
Throwin' some signs eh? What up Gangsta! (Emphasis plassed on last syllable with a raise in voice) ;)

- Da Cella Dizoor