almost too bright to see

it's been rainin' for a whole day. more than a whole day. a long time. slow, drizzly, drippy rain. little drops that freckle your face and slowly smear your windshield. beautiful blurring of all the colors overlooked on the ride to and from _____. it's nice. i turned off my wipers, and just drove. really dangerous. but beautiful. i went out to get the paper, and those droplets were still falling, annointing my head with the sacrament of a glorious day. (was that cheesy? ah well.) it's weird to hear birds chirping when it's still dark outside, and raining. but it's so wonderful... i hadn't realized how much i'd missed the birdsong in illinois till i come back here and heard it. it's so weird that at this point in january, it's absolutely gorgeous outside. it's about 60 degrees, and just wonderful. makes me kind of sad to head back to frigid, frosty, and frozen. bleak, bland, and blah. a little alliteration. hehe. i'm done now. happy friday to you all.
Read 14 comments
oh wooooooow. i didn't get to see the blue you put in your eyes until the comments screen. b-e-a-utiful.

if you we'ren't going back to the cold, i would have indeed left a message that said, and i quote, "fuck off."


i hate the "L" word.

lol, that is going to drive you INSANE, isn't it?
i heart your journal alooottt
you have such a pretty diary
i love it
you have an intreagueing style of art. i love it.
Hah. Well my version of "go killer boob" came from randomly placed locker magnets, but I'm sure your story is much more interesting.
hug, you are welcome, and thanks for the nice comment. and hope you continue to read my journal
trust someone just above you, more rain is on the way...=(...but also, more really freakin cool clouds
I absolutely love those piercing blue eyes in your background. Very groovy.

Yeah, I'm pretty excited about Rome, except it's going to be raining the rest of January. Very much how it's been the past few days except a little colder.

Have a safe trip back to Illionis.

aw, thank you. ;]
Thank you!
i want to be a vintage pin-up too! *haha*
that'd be awesome...
i like your layout too. it's swell!

that's funny...that you turn off your wipers and look at the pretty, blurry view. i do that too, sometimes. it's pretty. i was driving around once & it was raining, but there were fireworks going off...and i didn't put my wipers on. now *that* was pretty.
Well, thank you for the comment on my little blurb about Sunday. I'm glad someone finally likes my style of gibbering.

To copy several who have posted before me, indeed, the blue eyes are most striking.

I wish I had more time to read some of your posts for you have a nice style to what you say, but my computer is an old cranky bastard in need of cocoa puffs.

Wait, no, sorry. Not my computer. Me.
