in austin, summer lasts a lot longer than the 2 months

i know in retrospect everything is nicer, shinier, more fun... but i miss summer. when the weather is such that you start to think of 30 degrees as refreshing and genuinely enjoyable, it's kind of hard not to think back on those sweltering days. of course, i only remember the good parts, but for the most part, it was good. sitting in the backs of our cars in the parking lot across the street from sno beach, talking for hours even after the sno cones were gone. driving. driving down 6th at night. shows at emo's. driving down riverside, artificially cooled air blasting my face, and the bright summer sun accosting my retinas. i miss the humidity, and the feeling of the sun's rays burning into my bared skin. i miss flip flops, and t-shirts, and lazy days that were some of the happiest. i miss the way the hot humid air would feel like a hug as it envelops you. i miss the lake, and the trees, and the highways. i miss mopac, and trips to target and michaels on one of my craft bents. i miss miniature golf and sweating my butt off. i miss barton springs, and the park, and the days when i never slept. sunsets and sunrises and clear nights with stars and a moon to look at. ahhhhhhhhh, nostalgia, you are a beautiful thing. i can't wait for spring.
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I wish I had a beach.
it may snow tonight.
but who cares when you are around so much snow that you wish for austin summers! wow, it really must be cold up there. it finally got to 30 down here and thats the norm for where you are at?!!! You should have seen me in my truck this morning. Ahh... my ghetto truck... My heat does not work and I almost killed my self driving to work this morning because the icy rain froze to my windshield! Yah. Scary.