someday yes, but for now...

as intimidated as i am by the idea of aging, the inescapable idea that someday my body will wither and die if i even make it that far, i am surprisingly enough looking forward to future lindsey. me when i'm 24. i can't wait to meet my kids... on my way home tonight, i was startled by a huge yellow face staring at me. ah, hello, moon... it's been a while, winter depresses you too i've noticed. you tend to hide indoors in your heavenly abode with the fluffy gray curtains drawn tight, and i can't say that i blame you, some days. but that was earlier tonight... as for now, you've never looked so cold and distant. i miss the friendly old familiar moon i used to turn my restless eyes to on those nights where there were no words. sometimes you miss friends even when they're right next to you.
Read 10 comments
God , your writing always amazes me. AWESOME! Rock on, Chad
yea yea i left you a comment in your last entry not sure if you would get do you put pictures in just like 1 entry...tellme tellme pleaseeeee lol sorry its late. im tired..:)
You do.
They're so close you can't reach out far enough to touch them.
I hate that and l**e it at the same time.
It's heart rending and at same tiem uplifting because I know when it comes down to it, I'm free.

Be well, ella.

sorry to annoy the hell outta you a lil slow i guess at almost wheni just want one picture in one entry..i put the name of the picture in the entry?...sorry im trying..really:)
Dammit, I hate when I switch pronouns mid-thought.

That last line should be 'you know' and 'you're' not I. glarb.
yay forgs!!

hah, I typed forgs on accident but i like that new word, so I'm keeping it as ours.

I was a sexy little man-child, huh? Wonder what went wrong.

And you are right, that entry is a jumbled mess of thoughts crossing thoughts. I should clean it up someday when I'm not so caffeinated.

BTW, I haven't mentioned it, but cool new background, man.
Vanity is an artform.
Often practiced, rarely mastered.
But I covered my vanity in my other journal.
i added you as a friend.
you seem cool and i love your diary.
kids are 24? aww that's so young.
ah and such a long time it has been.