sleep has become an occupation of boredom again. i'm super jittery. i fidget all the time. today i had probably the equivalent of 5 cans of diet coke. THAT'S JUST TODAY. i calculated that on average i go through a gallon of diet soda every 2.5 days. good news though... the diet coke website says that aspartame is not harmful. BUT BAD NEWS!!!!! the diet coke website also says that it does have calories!!!!!! but since it has less than five calories, the FDA makes them put zero instead!!! does anyone else feel horribly mislead??? NO, IT'S NOT QUITE THE CALORIE-FREE WONDER WE ALL THOUGHT! terrible. i've been skipping sleep frequently recently. i don't want to give my speech tomorrow. i have the worst work ethic in the world for someone who plans to graduate early. i wonder how that'll work out... also, my schedule for next semester sucks. and the spanish department is dumb for not letting me test out of like eight classes that i could test out of. DUMB. it's probably really bad for me to ingest this much caffeine in one day. i also had coffee, and a cup of chai tea. sweet sweet chai tea...
i love your background.
btw, i wish loser really WAS my last name.
that would be iller than a stomach bug.