yes. the time has come...
goodbye austin! i'll see you at thanksgiving... take care, although i'm sure you'll be just fine without me. you're a pretty hip city, and i know you never needed me in the first place. still, i'm gonna miss you. you're so quirky and proud of your originality. yes... i will miss you, and all your wierd little austinalities.
helloooooooo urbana!
Out: Gretchen
your on chiafriend dahhling, hit me up. "Yeah im a superstar" thats me my dear.
I appreciate it.
rock the house. rock the party. get down boogie gonna make ya sweet.
uhh... yah, have fun.
college is about... oh wait! cant really be told, you'll see...
dumb whore.
get your titles right
-title master
i miss you already lindsey....
i called you tonight...
i think i woke up your brother...
he told me you were in illinois.
i didn't know....
i felt stupid...
Land of the free, the barren, the...
Weez T in y0 haus