
i confuse me. i guess that's normal... i mean, who really has it all figured out? people are confusing... and spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, forever and ever and ever with one person, you'd think you'd have a pretty good grasp of who they are... but nope. how many people actually know who they are? i have no clue who i am. i could say that i'm bold, and proud, and strong-willed. and in the act of saying it, i am all of those things. but is it true? i could say that i'm weak, and cowardly, and a waste of breath. and in the act of saying it, i am all of those things. what is that? am i nothing more than what i say i am? should i not have some intrinsic nature, some actual personality as opposed to the connotations of random assemblages of letters? i can't really describe myself in a word. or two words. or three. or an essay. or a freakin' textbook. i'm confident... but i also hate myself. i don't know what i'm saying, but bear with me. actually, don't. just stop reading now. i don't even know what this is about. i suck at life. argh. dichotomosity isn't even a word... one thing i do know: i suck. and i'm not putting myself down or anything, that's just the way it is. this is one of those entries that will get zero comments.
Read 5 comments
Don't worry everyone reaches a plateau in their life every now and then and they question their life.Their very being.Themselves in general. Just so you know :)
I think I understand what you mean but then again I don't think I uunderstand, but I surely do think I see what you are saying. Take care.
some people will never know who they are, some have known for ages,

try to find out, but dont spread yourself thin; sometimes the best way to understand is to let it come naturally,
ahhh whoops.
that blank comment was me! *gasp*
god. your so freaking right.
smart girl. im running out of space!!!!