i should really be doing my astronomy

lately it seems that life is but a dream, and i'm the only concrete drifting through the shades and shadows. i need to feel. i fear i'm floating away, being swept along with the current of time, and i want to reach out and grab hold of something and clutch it to me, real. but it's all just shades and shadows. and it's all just transparencies where there once were things i couldn't walk through. i know the world is bigger than this, because they told me so. well why does it seem like there's nothing more to it than the paths my eyes wander each day? why does the world seem so small, and i in my bubble? i couldn't touch these shades, these shadows, if i wanted. i'm drowning in the projections of this silly little world of mine. or maybe i'm just a silly litle girl who thinks too much, or not enough.
Read 9 comments
Little, maybe.
Silly, no, not at all.
And of course I'm proud.
In awe, rather.

Sometimes when you get stuck in your head, it feels like a bubble. Bubble-girl. Not bubblegum. You can't breathe anything but what goes on in there. You need an escape hatch. Ice cream or meditation or a random night at the bar. Whatever it takes. And sometimes its nicer to stay there awhile, in the bubble. Transparent in your transparent bubble.

"wait, whaaaa" what?
Hmmm ... that sounded slightly rude of me.

I meant:

"Wait, whaaaa" what?

Ahhh, the doctor's.
Yes, they seem to think something is tragically wrong with me.
Like the time three years ago when they decided I had colon cancer. [I didn't].
Or when I was six and needed surgery on my eye to remove a cancerous lump. [It wasn't and I didn't].
So now they have decided to blame my laziness on some disease that nobody in the history of time has ever had. That's all.
I think they want me in the robe with no butt.

Nope, not the only one.
Anonymous commentor.
Those guys irk me. Especially when they say nothing at all.
And even if I am, then everyone else is missing out and they all suck butt.
The butt-suckers.
Tootsie-roll pops. Seriously.
yeah, I have issues. It's more fun that way.

be well.

You're writing still amazes me. Glad to see you are still writing such awesome things. Rock on, as always. -Chad
Yeah, but 'persons of short stature' is so much harder to rhyme to than "American Munchkins" ... not that I rhymed anything, mind you. But there's always the possibility that someday I might.
I just heard the 'Lollipop Guild' was bought out by LifeSavers. The entire American Munchkin community is being torn down.
Click my heels and take me home.

Be well, girLy.

Touch someone.

A person.
An animal.

Hold them tight. -And when they leave,


Being lost will always be an echoing distance from others, but it's much more contemplative and exciting once tapped.

More specifically, you're at a higher state of consciousness.

That's good, and hard to believe.

Love inside-out.
Hah! You tee-hee'd.
'V' can be whatever you need it to be. Vegetable, virgin, viagra, vestibule, panda bear.
Whatever. I'm rambling. I'm tired and as much as I hate 'v' day, I still wish I had a 'v' to be with and I didn't and now I hate 'v' day more for making me feel like this.
And yes, crazy. But you did read it. I tried to read it and quit after the third sentence. So you're crazy and I'm lazy.
TV sucks on Sunday. Bed.