corn children corn children-jebidihah!

went and helped disabled kids today for my club which was pretty lame. we went out to eat at some restaurant and then we came back and i watched the corn children with katie. that movie is sooooo funny -the music in the background is the scariest part! like when they are talking about sacrificing people the people in the music go " SHOONTA SHOONTA" its really funny and the corn like opens up and goes " CHA CHA" its so funny. and the devil is like a giant orange thing. what the hell? haha hell haha that was corny get it corny haha corn children damn im good. the guys name in the movie is ert but i like jebidihah better. what is it with little kids drawing pictures and telling the future? i mean they did it in the corn children and in the ring. whatever-at least i dont have to be sacrificed to HIM when i turn 19 like that other dude. or that blue man hahahaha
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Hey hey no that doesn't freak me out, it's awesome- I've seen a huge elvis cut-out but it wasn't for sale =(. Lol omgoodness Napoleon dynamite was hilarious- the dancing was the best indeed, and i do think he is hot! haha...
Used to be brand new- i just changed it to incubus... i hear he is a stud in real life- he got the idea from his little brothers i suppose
haha that's fucking funny...i love you...see you on Wednesday
like the music you listen to.
ya. my friend's band is playing at the loft in the beggining of august.
hi, u commented in my journal, im just saying hey and yeah i remember when i told my parents, well my mom really, that i didnt think i really believed in god, but im not sure she really took me seriously, like just because i went to stupid CCD clases it means i should beleive in it, idk.
i looked into buddism, but its a really strict religion, but if that what u want to do then go for it.
i havent ever seen that movie. it woule prolly make me poo my pants bc i get scared easily. thx for the comment.

apparently cross-eyed children with southern accents and pitch forks drives fear into the heart of us all. children with glasses just dont scare you. they have to be crosseyed little bastards.
you probably don't know them. they are a metal band and my buddy is the guitarist, his name is bryan hwang.
ohh thats by ~thedoors
awe thanks...i'd say you too...but it's not your birhday, well that i know of...but happy day...