Listening to: claire digging in ice
Feeling: shattered
im so happy that its december! YAY! so exciting,...my birthday is coming up too on the 17th! today was really fun. i was really hyper. katie and i were laughing all during french and then all during art me and dan and biv were laughing so much. this girl was singing in class- shes crazy, and the teacher goes stop thats irritating and the girl burst into tears and had to go outside. and when they came back in the teacher was crying too, it was really funny since they are both psychos. i hung out with 2 of my favorite people on sunday,....they are awesome. you know who you are. we had a pillow burial, mint stealing, and some crazy pics. it was cool. i lost my hairbrush and can no longer brush my hair,...so sad. well i can live without it,people will just have to see my afro. if anyone wants an abused turtle tell me and i will give you the number to a very sick guy who lets his turtle get salmonella.,...and lets the water get all bubbly. ABUSIVE!! he also eats its food,..the turtle has a tough life.
Read 20 comments
wow pretty crazy!
yeah... it sucks Elvis was the man!
hey thanks everythingi s back and forth with him he cries on the phone hes all sad he said he lost his life when he lost me n all this stuff iono i dont get it wtv i still love him so iono what to do
hahah i know i know im updating now i swear haha turtule this weekend what i=do you think about rubys party?
Thanks sooo much..(for the comment info, really appreciate it)

you two are very cute..

yes he's the impitemy (soo spelled wrong) of the perect guy, don't ya think?

your welcome!
yeah... its sad he died. :( makes me heartbroken cuz i always wanted to take my grammie to one of his concerts or something... but ehh calenders and stuff will do, right? *lizz*
hi dollface!! check my xxlovegunxx new entry woot! and new entry on this one too. but omgosh i absolutely adore the top_left that is cutie patootie! damn i wish i had a boyfriend like joe he is soo sweet to you you guys are great together. i love it. yet i hate you! lol, just kidding i could never hate you. anyway your brother is an idiot. but yeah! ttyl! love you!

love always justine
yeah he is!! is that picture of you and your boyfriend to the right???* :)*liz*
K jax, you know i love ya hon. Thanx for mentioning me. That was so hilarious today. Anna needs some medication. Or new medication. Bivlicious.
because I couldnt get a picture of the front side.
aww, my nana loves elvis!! :) i love your diary *liz*
im so happy for you!
mine is a .jpg

and you have an elvis background!
i have a suggestion though
go to preferences and get rid of the white on the right and left side of your diary
their the different menues
then you can see your background better
yeah its got to have a .jpg or something
i went to google and searched led zepplin on images
tons of great pics come up
save one
and then you go to image manager and upload it
then rename it to my_background
and then its your backround!
haha its confusing
i could do it for you if you gave me your password
then you could change your password when im done
just a suggestion
or if those directions are not too confusing
its pans upward and then shows a different scene and says "heartattack"...oh well..it was pretty cool but the still icon will do for now.
i love elvis
yea...my computer is being tarded. all the good icons move and its making them freeze up. like the one thats above my entries..the header..yea..its supposed to move but my computer is not cooperating.
i was joking about that front part thing. see it was supposed to be a person walking..and the butt was supposed to move and i thought it was funny thats why i want it.

but my computer makes animated things unanimated so its just a still lame butt.