
Listening to: rolling stones
Feeling: beat
star testing was today, it was really easy. i love my friends and i miss them alot. it seems like we are always busy. i hope katie is ok, i wish more than anything that things would work out for her. im more in love with joseph than i ever have been and im amazed by it everyday. im tired of things going so fast, i wish things could slow down a bit and we could just live in the present. all this talk about future tests, future colleges, future plans. things need to go slow. i wish i had one of those time stoppers, then i could go everwhere and just see everything and be able to appreciate everything. i need to appreciate things alot more. buddha says that the only reason there isnt peace is because of desire. the desire to have more and keep on getting, and not appreciating what you have at the moment. i wish i could eliminate alot of my desire for material things. i want to tell all of my friends i appreciate them, i love you jessica and katie, and amanda , whit, biv. you guys are awesome. i love hanging out with you guys and just being able to talk about anything and not feel judged. Joseph, i appreciate you more than you know. i dont know what my life would be like without you. you are an amazing person. im the happiest person in the world when im in your arms. Appreciate the things you can't replace.
Read 8 comments
hi would you nail me?
Not as lame as that picture of you or you dumb setup... You have been denied
What the fuck is your problem, I came back from my trip and you changed, like you thought you were better than me. I thought we were friends. So fuck off and all your shitty friends to.
were ok
she was no friend at all.. but now i feel even worse than that day cuz the love of my life is moving in two months and i feel like im gonna die:( iono what to do
yeah i think you are right thas is what i will do move on! but i will see him alot until he moves i guess thats the only thing i can do :) how are you doing? p.s you are so beautiful!
deep... hehe love ya too! good luck on your testing today pah im gonna fail!
i love you!