poop on ur face

Feeling: free
marine biology: 1st period; 8:48, green sea turtle project: katie and i are on a mission, to make a fantabulous awesome green sea turtle presentation. while we sit here on the computers checking our emails, looking up our horoscopes and reading email, we wonder how our paper mache turtle pinata is going to look. mr wilson is on our right, looking up random stuff about 80s band probably. we text message, and look at cute turtle pictures together. we laugh at the mating turtles that look like they are struggling. we feel bad for our mistakes. life goes on. joseph is text messaging me,..hes a cutie pie. i made him a poem about his cute wittle booty. i think i shall sing him the booty song some day. 1st period is almost over. too bad, well sea turtles will have to wait till the morrow where we shall sit in sorrow because mario is annoying. i love to rhyme hehe. yay!
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